Publication Ethics


Integrity and Transparency: The CVREP journal prioritize integrity and transparency in all aspects of its operations. This includes transparent peer review processes, disclosure of conflicts of interest, and clear guidelines for authors, reviewers, and editors.

Research Ethics: The CVREP journal uphold the highest standards of research ethics. This includes ensuring that all studies involving human or animal subjects have received appropriate ethical approval, and that informed consent has been obtained from participants.

Plagiarism and Originality: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. The CVREP journal encourage authors to submit original work. Proper referencing and citation practices should be emphasized.

Editorial Independence: The CVREP journal maintains editorial independence and avoid any undue influence or bias, ensuring that editorial decisions are based solely on the quality and scientific merit of the research.

Confidentiality and Data Protection: The CVREP journal prioritize the confidentiality and protection of authors' and reviewers' personal information. Data protection measures should be in place to safeguard sensitive information.

Conflict of Interest: The CVREP journal requests to declare any conflicts of interest among authors, reviewers, and editors. Full disclosure of any conflicts is required.

Publication Bias: The CVREp journal actively combat publication bias by encouraging the submission and publication of high-quality research, regardless of the outcomes or significance of the findings.

Accessibility and Open Access: The journal strive to make research findings accessible to all by adopting open access policies or providing reasonable access options. This promotes equity and maximizes the impact of the research.

Ethical Guidelines for Authors: The CVREP journal provides clear guidelines to authors on ethical writing practices, including proper citation and referencing, avoiding duplicate publication, and adhering to guidelines for reporting research findings.

Continuous Improvement: The CVREP journal have a commitment to continuous improvement, regularly reviewing and updating its ethical policies and practices to align with evolving standards and best practices in the field.